Saturday, November 10, 2007

I am finally getting some Halloween pictures posted. Caleb was a black PowerRanger and Luke was a green dinosaur with purple polka dots. The highlight of the night was a hayride at Uncle Brad's. There was a mass of about 13 Turner kids and friends piled onto a trailer. They bombarded Brad's neighborhood. The old trick-or-treat is no longer effective. Instead the group chanted "we want candy" at every door followed. I was at the back of the pack trying to make Caleb say thank you to everyone...I think I won a couple of those battles. Caleb and Olivia (his cousin) are two of a kind. The whole time they are together they entertain each other with poop jokes. Which started to spill out at the dinner table and anywhere else he could interject them. So, now we have a new rule - You can only tell poop jokes with Olivia. One slipped the other day in the car and the first thing he asked was "Are you going to tell dad?"

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